We've created a massive glossary of 69+ LGBT-related terms, built on multiple sources and expanded upon with easy-to-understand examples so that you can get a grasp on all of these terms. Anagrams of cis-male: The word cis-male has 4 anagrams. This definition of the word cis-male is from the Wiktionary, where you can also find the etimology, other senses, synonyms, antonyms and examples. The world is increasingly accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, but it isn't always easy to understand the different sub-communities and nuances. In part due to the censorship in sex education and the mainstream media (hello from Singapore), many find themselves stumped by some of the terms relating to the LGBTQ+ community. Do you know the meaning of cis-male alternative form of cis male. We've created a massive LGBTQ+ Glossary (69+ words) Cishet is short for “ cisgender heterosexual”, and refers to people who are both cisgender and heterosexual.Ī person is cisgender when their gender identity aligns with the sex they were assigned at birth.Ī person is heterosexual, or straight, when they are romantically, emotionally, and/or sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.